The protection and safety of the user of playgrounds and urban furniture are two of our main objectives. That's why, we are committed to the use and application of existing legislation at national and European level in both manufacturing and maintenance.




We maintain product quality standards whose ultimate purpose is user satisfaction, ensuring the adoption of strategies and actions to continuously improve their effectiveness and performance, as well as a refinement in production processes, marketing and maintenance.




Flexibility and adaptability to technological and cultural changes. Commitment to the introduction of new ideas at a technical level, economic and social services in order to improve the quality of the provision of services.

  • Development of new techniques and tools for work and organization.
  • Introducing productivity improvement processes, quality and environmental sustainability.
  • Knowledge of the environment and anticipation of trends.




Commitment to reducing the impact on the environment and to maintain the well-being and progress of present and future generations.

  • Using tools, resources and structures that contribute to better integration of environmental protection into business management.
  • Identifying and managing environmental risks.
  • Community Service Commitment.




Safeguarding and defending professional interests, economic and commercial entities as a whole respecting above all the principles of market freedom, company and competition and, ultimately, autonomy.


  • Setting rules for action to promote free competition.
  • Transparency and objectivity in any action or agreement adopted by the association.