It's important Distinguish among the 2 Certifications: Product and Leisure Zone Installed

  • Product certificate manufactured: It certifies a Model according to safety regulations, for all units produced and the audit and report must be carried out at the factory, before the installation of the item. These are certificates made at source, issued by certifying entities that have been accredited for this purpose. (In Spain by ENAC, Germany DAKS and DAU, France COFRAC, Portugal APCER, etc)

(In some exceptional cases, only when a game element is unique and unique (not from the catalogue), and it's an element designed for that leisure area in particular, it may make sense to request a statement on the industrial design of the element, to have at least the certainty that the game would be a realizable day according to Norma. It must be produced in the factory according to the regulations and the declared design, and accompany him in a way Indispensable favourable on-site inspection by an independent party, once installed).

  • Certificate of inspection of executed area, in accordance with current regulations: in 1176 (children's games) in 16630 (physical training area) in 1177 (safety pavements, damping materials. favorable certificate issued by inspection bodies independent of the purchasing process, manufacturing, installation and maintenance, and that they have been accredited for it. the inspection must be carried out in the same playground or sports area, and the report is issued before it is opened to the public. In Spain, certificates accredited by ENAC or another European accreditation body may issue certificates.


Delving into the above, In Art. 128 of the law 9/2017, Public Sector Contracts (LCSP), Test reports, certification and other means of testing, indicated:


"Contracting authorities may require economic operators to provide a test report from a conformity assessment body or a certificate issued by the latter, as a means of testing compliance with the required technical requirements, or the award criteria or the conditions for the performance of the contract"


The types of inspection entities (TYPE A, B and C) described in the UNE EN ISO/IEC Standard 17020:2012.


Specifically and, in relation to playgrounds, UNE EN Standard 1176/1:2018 annex H (Normative): before opening to the public, or before the first use, the appropriate level of impact damping of the buffer surfaces of any playground must be confirmed, confirming compliance with injury protection requirements on the surface of the impact area, among those who are:

  • Compliance with specifications agreed between supplier and customer
  • Thickness of the impact-absorbing surface within each drop space, in relation to the specific equipment installed and their height.
  • Agreed and adequate level of impact cushioning


Also, so that the initial inspection of a play area or training elements is deemed to meet safety requirements and can obtain a favourable certificate must be ensured, among other aspects:

  • Appropriate signage that meets the requirements of specific legislation of autonomous communities or, unless pets are prohibited from accessing, ball game (except for specific authorized area), Bicycles, etc.
  • All auxiliary elements in the area (including fenced and banks) must be free of dangerous protrusions, gaps that could lead to entrapments.
  • All game and/or training elements must be:
  • respect the necessary safety distances and have adequate damping according to the falling heights, according to the reference rules.
  • be perfectly identified with your reference, manufacturer or representative, date of manufacture and the reference rule, to ensure traceability with the corresponding product certificates.
  • With adequate foundations and ensuring their stability.
  • All elements mounted or assembled on site shall ensure the absence of possible entrapments, dangerous protrusions or edges.

Regarding the signage of children's play areas, according to the UNE Report 172001:2004 IN (UNE report), proper SIGNALING of a play area should include clear and understandable information (possible also with pictograms) written in the official languages of the place where the area is installed, located at least the main access to the area, rather than greater visibility.


The poster should include, at least:

  1. Recommended age group.
  2. Phone number for possible conservation incidents.
  3. Emergency phone number for communication of possible accidents.
  4. Prohibition of entry of pets.
  5. Reference that the correct use of equipment is under the responsibility of adult parents and companions.
  6. Express indication of the need for surveillance for children in 0 to 3 years, in those areas where there are equipment for this age group.

Some laws of autonomous communities such as the Decree 127/2001, of 5 June, Ministry of Social Affairs of the Junta de Andalucía or the 245/2003, of 24 April, Family Skinning, Youth and Volunteering of the Xunta de Galicia, add other requirements to the contents of the posters)

On the other hand, regarding physical training areas, UNE-EN Standard 16630:2015, Requires, in its section 7.1. Usage information: Facilities, visibly display an informational sign containing the following minimum information:

Facilities for physical training equipment:

  • teams intended only for young and adult users or people who measure more than 1400 Mm,
  • read and follow the instructions regarding the exercises performed on the team,
  • before the use of the equipment, the user has to take into account their fitness from a medical point of view,
  • excessive effort should be avoided while using the equipment,
  • general emergency phone number,
  • phone number and internet address to contact maintenance staff,
  • installation address.

Also, according to the section 7.2. on or next to each team, permanently and clearly visible the following information should be displayed:

  1. instructions on exercises with the corresponding pictograms;
  2. the team's main functions;
  3. security information, if necessary:
  4. user's maximum authorized weight, if necessary.

On the other hand, for free-access sporting elements, UNE Standard- IN 15312:2015, Requires, in its section 8. "INFORMATION FOR USERS" SIGNALING, establishes the need for a sign, prominently and clearly visible including that :

  • this equipment is not intended for children under the age of 36 months old
  • don't climb the frame or the nets.
  • don't hang from the hoop (if there is)
  • do not wear similar rings or jewelry that may become hooked and cause damage
  • name and contact phone number the administrator or maintenance service
  • phone in case of accident.