1- Be 100% efficient and effective, looking for the optimization of technical and human, both processes and products, either by our internal action such as multidisciplinary team, or by collaboration and activity carried out jointly with our partners.

2- Maintain leadership and increase the share of associates on a gradual basis, getting more niche market that allows us to fight and cooperate nationally against unfair competition, sectoral disparities, and for the interests of the companies in the sector.

3- Digital specialization and internationalization, be a reference in the social networks and beyond our borders, meeting point for professionals that relate to sharing ideas without physical visualization, experiences and redefining a career.

4- Be a driver of directional change for the Association and its partners, that allow us a global positioning and that this, our sector, unique and markedly expansionist, overcoming the trust statistics fruit of the daily work for the materials that are used, that meet all quality standards and contribute to the maintenance of the environment.