Accessibility applied to the design of play spaces, allows children's games, the damping surface and the rest of the support facilities, can be used in comfortable conditions, Security, equality and autonomy for all people, even those with motor skills, sensory or cognitive different.

Now, simply by giving a child access to the play team doesn't guarantee to feel the camaraderie of a group, nor experience the pride of physical achievements, nor does it make it a fun or challenging experience.

Other aspects such as age adequacy should be considered for this purpose, the value of the game, social development and sense stimulation.

  • So what is an inclusive gaming space?

The Inclusive Play Spaces Seek, based on creative design solutions, set up a variety of game experiences and challenges for people of all ages, cultural background and skills (both physical, Sensitive, cognitive and social) actively participate your way and enjoy together, in the most comfortable way, safe and autonomous possible.

The challenge is to get and make sure that every child gets the encouragement and challenge they need from the whole play area, so they can develop sensory skills, Physical, cognitive and social, without that meaning that everyone makes the same use and on an equal footing of all the gaming equipment.

The Inclusive Play Spaces They're more than just gaming equipment; it's the whole set used to consider as many needs as possible, that encourage everyone to stay as long as they choose, providing a cozy place where people feel comfortable.