If you have any inquiry or request for information or documentation, Please fill in and send the contact form below, and soon will be received, nos pondremos en contacto con usted a la mayor brevedad posible.

(*)Mandatory fields

    Name (*)






    Your email address (*)


    Associate? (*)


    Typology (*)




    ENTIENDO Y ACEPTO el tratamiento de mis datos tal y como se describe anteriormente y se explica con mayor detalle en la Política de Privacidad. (Your refusal to provide us with the authorization will imply the impossibility of processing your data for the indicated purpose. I mean, we will not be able to manage your request to become a member of the entity)

    I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to receive information in the terms indicated above about the activity offered by the SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS OF URBAN FURNITURE AND PLAYGROUNDS. (Your refusal to provide us with the authorization will imply the impossibility of sending you commercial information by the entity).



    Basic information on data protection.- In accordance with the RGPD and the LOPDGDD, SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS OF URBAN FURNITURE AND PLAYGROUNDS will process the data provided, in order to answer the doubts and / or complaints raised through this form and provide the requested information. Provided that you authorize us in advance, we will send information related to the activity offered by the SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS OF URBAN FURNITURE AND PLAYGROUNDS. You will be able to exercise, if you wish, access rights, rectification, suppression, and others recognized in the aforementioned regulations. For more information about how we are processing your data, access our privacy policy.

    Address: C / Príncipe de Vergara, 74, 5º
    Email: afamour@afamour.com
    Telf: +34 91 562 55 90

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