AFAMOUR monitors that rubber floors comply with European Regulations.

The Spanish Association of manufacturers of street furniture and playgrounds (AFAMOUR) vigila que los suelos de caucho cumplan la Normativa Europea.

The Spanish Association of manufacturers of street furniture and playgrounds (AFAMOUR) reivindica el cumplimiento de la normativa europea REACH ( Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals.)

Rubber is a widely used material, Not only on playground floors, but also in numerous areas of our daily lives, as homes, hospitals, cars and even on the nipples of baby bottles. The use of rubber in playgrounds responds to its safety and durability properties, essential to ensure an optimal environment for children. Obviously, The quality of these materials is varied and their origin must be monitored by the contracting bodies of municipalities, schools and construction companies or from any institution, on which your purchase depends, to verify that the manufacturer is not offering a product on the European Chemicals Agency's "prohibited" list (TAKE, European Chemical Agency).

Recently, A piece of news has circulated that has generated concern among users and those responsible for hiring playgrounds, whether the soils are harmless or whether there are sufficiently toxic elements, so that some may be inappropriate. From AFAMOUR, the Spanish Association of manufacturers of street furniture and playgrounds, Including Manufacturers, Installers, Distributors & Certifiers, We want to address this issue, And that's why we've reached out to those responsible for the study, to provide clear and accurate information about the safety of our products. This news has been prepared through an incipient study by CSIC, directed by María Teresa Moreno Pérez, which is in the preliminary phase, and whose estimated duration is three years, for which soil samples have been obtained from playgrounds in Barcelona. We spoke to one of the technicians in the study, Ethel Eljarrat, Offering our collaboration, How could it be otherwise, as we are united by concerns about health and safety, without neglecting sustainability and accessibility.

"It is essential to move towards sustainable recycling methods within the concept of circular economy, including advanced devulcanization techniques that allow the recovery of the original rubber compounds. This would reduce the exploitation of natural resources and improve the environmental management of these materials."


AFAMOUR muestra su compromiso con la seguridad del caucho de los suelos de los parques infantiles

Regulatory & Compliance: Quality Assurance

AFAMOUR's Partner Manufacturers, they strictly comply with the European REACH regulation, which regulates the use of chemical substances in any type of product, such as rubber granules, thus ensuring the protection of children. In addition, the products of our associates also comply with UNE-EN regulations 1176 and 1177, that regulate equipment and playing surfaces, ensuring its safety and functionality.

"Importantly, the pigments we use are mostly organic, and comply with European regulations, thus avoiding any risk of toxic color migration."

Rubber Flooring Working Group. AFAMOUR

Current Regulations and Future Restrictions

The moment we are living in is, No doubt, Very particular, since the use of rubber, Now in the spotlight, It has its origin mainly in the intention to make the areas of leisure, Children, & Sports, More Accessible; And in many cases, Sustainable and Circular Economy Friendly, as recycled materials from other industries are used.

From September 2031, A restriction will be imposed on the use of rubber with grain sizes below 5 mm in applications where the material is disintegrated (No ligation). However, This restriction does not apply to pavements where elastomers are bonded with polyurethane, as is the case with rubber flooring used in playgrounds.

"It is important that the resins used for playgrounds are MDI (Methylenediphenyldiisocyanate), since the application of the TIs (Toluene diisocyanate) it is to some extent limited, due to its acute toxicity. "

Manuel Ángel Lorca, Vulgalia

Commitment to Safety

For AFAMOUR, Childcare is a priority and that is why we reaffirm our commitment to the safety and quality of our products. All rubber flooring installed by our partners must comply with REACH and other relevant European regulations. The provenance and quality of materials must be continuously checked, by the companies themselves, and required by the institutions, to ensure that the highest standards of safety are maintained.

“ECHA concludes that the […] Established for rubber granules and mulches in loose form can be considered suitable for children in use in playgrounds.”

ECHA Study: “Investigation of the concentration limit of eight PAHs in rubber granules and loose mulches used in playgrounds and other household applications.”

For the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Urban Furniture and Children's Playgrounds, Addressing the safety of rubber in playground floors is a priority, showing their commitment to this

AFAMOUR presente en PARJAP 2024

Afamour present with its associates at PARJAP 2024

14 May 2024 present

The AEPJP and the City Council of Pamplona organized the 50 PARJAP Pamplona Congress 2024, under the title 'Nature-Based Solutions: una apuesta de futuro’, en el que AFAMOUR estuvo presente con algunos de sus asociados.

¿Qué es el PARJAP?

El PARJAP es el principal evento nacional de la jardinería pública, en el se dan encuentro empresas de jardinería, personal técnico de la administración pública, responsables de empresas de mantenimiento y conservación, consultoras, y demás personas interesadas. A lo largo de tres jornadas se encontraron conocimientos y buenas prácticas sobre las llamadas SBN (Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza), I mean, en el estudio de cómo emplear los enfoques, acciones o procesos que utilizan los principios de la naturaleza para resolver problemas relacionados con la gestión territorial y urbana como la adaptación al cambio climático, la gestión de los recursos, la seguridad alimentaria o la calidad del aire y el entorno.

50 PARJAP congress, fotografía de la presidenta de Afamour y uno de sus socios, escofet

Asociados de AFAMOUR presentes en el PARJAP

Durante todo el congreso, 27 empresas vinculadas al ámbito de la jardinería y la sostenibilidad expusieron en sus stands el uso de las Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza como apuesta de futuro para conseguir ciudades más ecológicas y habitables. Entre estos 27 stands, pudimos encontrar 3 de asociados de AFAMOUR: Isaba, Ases XXI y Escofet.

Equipo de Ases XXI en el 50 PARJAP Congress 2024

Además de ellos, diversos asociados de Afamour llegaron hasta Pamplona para visitar este 50 PARJAP Congress, entre los que encontramos:

  • Kompan
  • Sanpe Engineering
  • Agapito Industries
  • Conalsa
  • Maderplay
  • Hags

Kompan España presente en Parjap 2024 en Pamplona

