Recycled and recyclable materials, Protagonists of urban furniture and playgrounds

12 Jan 2023 present, Afamour

Energy saving, Environmental contribution and increased safety are the main benefits of components with a second service life

The use of polyethylene from recycling provides safety and durability to play spaces


Trends in the manufacture of urban furniture components and playgrounds have evolved in recent years towards recycled and recyclable materials. In Afamour, our partners are committed to the use of new components with a second life for the benefit of the environment and in line with the Circular Economy.

We defend that the mixture of recycled plastic with recycled polyethylene in the materials of our children's play areas gives these spaces greater durability. We highlight among its main benefits the resistance and the low need for maintenance.

Next to this material, We also point out the use of recycled rubber through old tires that become padded floor and that contribute to safety and reduce the risk of physical damage or injury by playground users..

For the construction of playgrounds with recycled material, required, depending on the dimensions, since 300 until 1.300 kilograms of recycled plastic.

The innovative recycling process

In recent years, Recycled plastic profiles have replaced as materials used in the installation of playgrounds and urban furniture others such as steel and wood. The use of this material involves a previous process of which the partners of Afamour are part.

First of all, Waste managers collect plastic containers from yellow bins for separation and shredding. Then, They are transformed into compressed plastic to build the profiles with different sizes, Thicknesses and shapes. The subsequent union of these pieces allows us to manufacture urban furniture, Children's play areas and even training areas.

The reuse of wood is also part of this recycling process and Circular Economy that we defend in Afamour. A material that also has very similar characteristics in durability and robustness.

Respect for the environment, The contribution to the sustainability of the planet and energy savings, and the commitment to more durable materials that provide greater safety to users of playgrounds and urban furniture are part of the objectives and commitments of Afamour. For this reason., Our partners defend, Create and use recycled and recyclable materials in their products.

Afamour, aligned with the fulfillment of the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (.ODS) of the United Nations are present in the work of service to society and the guide of good practices of the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Urban Furniture and Playgrounds

Health and wellness, the introduction of new technologies, The development of inclusive cities, and sustainable production and management are values and objectives that define Afamour


United Nations established at the end of 2015 a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (.ODS) to eradicate poverty, Protect the planet and ensure the prosperity of the planet. In Afamour, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Urban Furniture and Playgrounds, We act daily convinced of the need to Meet those goals linked to our professional work and our service to society.

Ensure health and well-being, reducing inequalities, Developing inclusive cities, introduce new technologies, and sustainable production and management are values and actions that define Afamour and that are aligned with the SDGs of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations, As can be seen in our guide '12 Good practices. Recommendations for success in creating a children's play area and training area'.

Different Sustainable Development Goals They coincide with our work methodology and commitment to citizenship. Among them, Several stand out Initiatives to make cities and communities of people inclusive, Resilient and sustainable, with the creation of Sustainable green spaces and healthy mobility on the horizon of 2030.

Next, We detail individually how Afamour's work is aligned with different Sustainable Development Goals. We talk about the following SDGs: Health & Wellness (3), Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures (9), Sustainable Cities and Communities (11) and Responsible Production and Consumption (12). All of them are located, to different extent, Within our social and professional commitments.


.ODS 3 Health & Wellness

The Agenda 2030 establishes as one of its Sustainable Development Goals the "Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being at all ages is essential for sustainable development". At Afamour we meet this goal through different measures linked to the location and environment of the park or training area:

  • The connection with natural spaces has a great added value for leisure and health of users.
  • Natural volumes stimulate physical activity and are a source of play.
  • The creation of attractive play areas with challenges for the most active children promotes physical activity and motivation.
  • Training areas and children's games must allow movement, physical activity and multiple recreational actions.
  • The practice of sport and outdoor training in the areas of physical exercise brings health and well-being to citizens.

.ODS 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures

The Inclusive and sustainable industrialization is related to the introduction of new technologies and the efficient use of resources. To do this, from Afamour we influence the choice of materials of the playground or training area. A bet that guarantees the Lifespan of the playground or sports area depends on the installation of suitable materials.

Also, Our companies devote a great deal of effort to the use of new technologies. The design and use of Innovative materials in playgrounds consolidates Afamour's commitment to the advancement of the industry, innovation and infrastructure that meets the needs of the population.


.ODS 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

This Sustainable Development Goal includes a specific target where it states that "It is necessary to provide universal access to green areas and safe public spaces, inclusive and accessible", especially children and companions, and the elderly and disabled. The design and installation of playgrounds and training areas that we carry out from Afamour responds to this transcendental demand, as demonstrated by the campaign 'Inclusive playgrounds, a play area for everyone'. (link)

At this point, Afamour has a series of criteria to ensure inclusion in sustainable cities:

  • Offer of playful activities with dynamic movement so that all users have the ability to develop their physical skills, Social, Cognitive, emotional and creative.
  • Guaranteed access to the main element of the leisure area for all audiences.
  • Introduction of elements that encourage young people to play accompanied.
  • Simple and intuitive to use, easy to understand, regardless of user experience.

In final, It is about Increasing inclusive urbanization in cities, with children's play areas and fitness areas that favor their use by all citizens.

.ODS 12 Responsible Production and Consumption

Along with the factor of inclusion in playgrounds and training areas, sustainability is another important point for Afamour. Within this objective, It is framed The sustainable production of our partners. Business management It allows you to do more and better with fewer material resources and, In this way, A number of related goals are achieved:

  • Increasing efficiency and decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation.
  • Environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks.
  • Significant reduction of waste generation through prevention activities, Recycling and reuse.

All these our recommendations for the creation of optimal children's play areas, sports and training align with the Sustainable Development Goals to Promote quality spaces, Green, accessible and inclusive. Like this, Defend Efficient public investments in spaces that facilitate play, Physical activity and outdoor sport, with the aim of Promote the health and well-being of families within our commitment to sustainability and industrial innovation.

