26 Nov 2021 present, Afamour

At AFAMOUR we care about your well-being and safety. Therefore, we are attentive to the changes that in the Regulations, affect the Playgrounds and Training Zones so that you are up to date and have a clear design, performance and execution of the playground. The main changes included in Order TMA/851/2021 with respect to Order VIV/561/2010 that may affect playgrounds and training areas are:

Chapter III: Accessible Pedestrian Itinerary:

Art.5 : Route lighting: There is no longer talk of minimum lighting but that it complies with RD1890/2008 regarding energy efficiency

Art.11: Meet section slip requirements 1 of Basic Document SU 1, Safety in use. Request certificate of the pavement or test carried out by an accredited laboratory (pendulum test s/UNE-ENV-12633:2003).

Chapter IV: Areas of Stay, of games and training

It no longer collects that:

If there are toilets / dressing rooms / showers there is at least one marked unit reserved for people with reduced mobility for each 10 units or fraction, next to accessible pedestrian itinerary.

There are devices and technologies that allow interaction and use by all people and, especially people with sensory and cognitive disabilities

Art.8 For the gaming sectors

It is no longer required that: Recreational and training elements should allow use, enjoyment, participation, interaction and skill development by all people, considering the existing age ranges.

It is now required that:

At least 1/5 elements of each children's play and exercise sector, will have universal accessibility criteria, must be, in the case of children, this element of dynamic type or that generates movement when being inside.

If there is more than one element that has universal accessibility criteria, must be of different category.

Access to each element will be guaranteed with universal accessibility criteria from an accessible pedestrian route, which shall be considered part of the element, so it will meet all accessibility requirements.

Next to the playful and sports elements that must have universal accessibility criteria a circle of 1.5m of Ø can be inscribed without coinciding with the accessible pedestrian route.



Art.14 Ramps, inclined plane to save inclinations > 6% or unevenness >20 cm

Long. in horizontal projection ≤ 9m. (Maximum time 10 m length)

Max longitudinal slope 10% in sections ≤3 m and max 8% in sections up to 9m from Long. in horizontal projection (Maximum time 10 m length)

If lateral slope greater than 55 cm need for railing and in free edge area plinth height ≥10 cm

Art.15 Stairs:

If they serve as an alternative passage to a ramp or elevator (TMA only) linked to an accessible pedestrian route must be located adjacent to or close to them.

They must be of guideline preferably straight (before it had to be straight):


H Footprint: Min. 28 cm + riser 13≥C≤17.5 cm and relationship 54≤2C+H≤70 cm.

(Before: H Footprint: Min. 30 cm + riser C max. 16 cm)

Between two consecutive sections the Counter-Footprint will not vary more than 1 cm

Between two consecutive sections the Counter-Footprint will not vary more than 1 cm

If open space under stairs with height <2,2m protected to restrict passage and allow detection with canes of visually impaired persons

Chapter VI Street Furniture

It is no longer required that:

Ensure its detection at minimum height 15 cm measured from the ground. No outgoings of more than 10 cm, nor live songs.

They will not invade the free scope of accessible pedestrian itineraries; will preferably be installed on the outer band of the sidewalk, at a minimum distance. of 40 cm of the boundary between the curb and the roadway.

It is now required that:

Design and location will ensure that your envelope at h <2,2m lacks sharp edges and, except in the case of tables and fountains, ensure location and delimitation at maximum height of 40 cm from ground level and, no overhangs flying more than 15 cm with risk of impact at h between 0,4 m and 2,2 m

Art, 26 Banks:

Backrest height ≥45 cm with maximum angle of 105º with respect to the seat plane. (Before height ≥40 cm)

Art.27 Drinking water sources:

Faucet with lower space of 70 cm of obstacle-free height

Art.30 Elements of Protection: Railings, handrail, fences and skirting boards

Railings in case of unevenness > 55 cm or at risk of falls (TMA only): Stable, rigid and resistant: if possible agglomeration minimum horizontal load of 306 kg/m and, but, of 163 kg/m applied to 1,2 m height or at the edge, if the height is less

Handrail: Doubles at heights: 90/110 cm + 70/75 cm (Before: 95/105 cm + 65/75 cm.

Continuous throughout and prolonged 30 cm beyond ramp or ladder if no risk.

Chapter XI Signalling Requirements:

Art.41 LETTERS fountain: guy PALO SECO or other tests

Art.41 Standardized characters or pictograms

Art.41 Height between 0,9 and 1,2 m, with lower space of 70x80x50 (altxanchxfondo) with an obstacle-free approach zone. ≥1.5m Ø

Art.44 Tactile signage, vertical planes at heights between: 1,20 and 1,60 m (Before: 1,25 and 1,75 m)

Art. 46 For crosses or decision points in IPA's: Pieces of Tactile Pavement Indicator that form parallelogram of 0,8 To 1,2m side, in the intersection space of the crossing of the routing strips or in changes of direction ≥45º or, in changes direction to <45º: Miter parts

Art. 47 Interactive communication: In case of computerized communication elements with screen: must ensure visibility per person seated at height between: 0,8 and 1.2m. (Before 1 and 1.4m)


We hope you find these points of current regulations useful. The professionals who make up AFAMOUR, we are always up to date to offer our customers the latest developments in the sector of urban furniture manufacturers.

What are the essential criteria for designing a playground??

19 Nov 2021 present, Afamour

Play is an inherent activity of the human being through which we have learned to relate in different areas of our social life, familiar, etc. It is considered as part of the human experience and is present in all cultures.. Playing outdoors provides different benefits to children that favor their body development, mental and social.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to establish a set of basic guidelines with which to start planning the playground, starting with the design of the outdoor area of the play space, which must include:

– Accessibility in the area, in game elements and services.

– Do not create differences between games or areas, to promote integration.

– Delimited and safe spaces, friendly and suggestive landscape.

– Elimination of unevenness by adapting the terrain to make it accessible.

– Relationship zones for parents and companions.



On the other hand, in the playground must be included:

– Game elements selected for versatility in terms of possible use.

– Care in the choice of pavement.

– Dimensions for access with a companion.

– Incorporation of protection elements.

– Manipulation games with sensory experiences.

– Informative signs and braille language integration.

Before building the park, we must study different aspects of the area where it will be located. Care must be taken to ensure that the play areas have as many hours of sunshine as possible during the winter months, and shaded areas during the summer months, taking advantage of nearby buildings that can cast shade on the park, as well as the existing vegetation in the area.

In addition, it will be necessary to know the prevailing winds, to try to avoid them in cold months and to be able to dispose of them in warm months. The situation in relation to the environment is also important, looking for the best views for the areas of stay and trying to avoid inconvenient relationships (noise, visual pollution, etc.), in the living areas and in the game elements themselves.

When choosing the game elements that we will include in the park, we will take into account the following criteria:

– Choosing fun elements that any child could play with.

– Take into account the importance of choosing elements that favor physical and social activity.

– Give all children equal opportunities (to swing, swing, play and interact)

– Getting rid of prejudices such as that a child with a disability can, You can't, or don't want to do certain things.

From Afamour we work in the work of promoting playgrounds, where all users can fully enjoy the play and entertainment spaces of the cities, and, above all, so you can learn, develop and grow by playing.

Playgrounds Why are they so important? Benefits and elements that improve the user experience

17 Nov 2021 present

Playgrounds are spaces where children create memories, learn to relate and boost skills such as imagination or emotional intelligence. That is why, so in the development of a project of play space outside, it is necessary to make the most of this space and know well the right elements for the environment and the little ones.

Like this, the managers of these spaces must take into account the children, but also the older ones who make use of sports equipment, putting all users at the center of development.

Benefits of designing a playground

An outdoor park with green areas is a space where people can improve their health through sport, socialization and promoting the physical and cognitive development of children.

The design of a park should focus on users, in how they interact with it, and more when we talk about the development of a playground, since the little ones are in ages full of curiosity, in which they seek to connect with the medium through play.

Choosing the right elements, it can favor the physical and psychological state of the people who interact in it, as the release of stress, physical improvement, or the development of psychomotor and cognitive skills in the little ones.

When we plan an outdoor recreation space, we must ensure that our park provides all these benefits and many more, but how can we achieve this??

The first thing we will do is choose the theme of our park, and for this, in Afamour we have associated professionals who can help you in this task.

Thereafter, our main goal is to encourage parents to bring their children to play, and that the little ones want to return more days, so it is preferable to opt for chord elements for the whole family.

A user-centred playground, should have rubber floors, with different texture and color for walking and recreation areas, specific play elements for people with disabilities, fences with a maximum height, signage, and a good maintenance service with which to maintain the regulatory parameters of use of public space.

Children's play environments in cities are spaces where the little ones create memories, develop physically and psychologically, as well as adults can spend time with their children, grandsons, Nephews, Cousins. Establish a suitable environment to build unforgettable positive memories, people-centred, that is the main objective of the design of a playground.

From Afamour, we work in the work of promoting playgrounds, where all users can fully enjoy the play and entertainment spaces of the cities, and, above all, so you can learn, develop and grow by playing.

