The benefits of playing in the park for learning, development and growth of children

23 Jul 2021 present

From the earliest childhood, the leisure space par excellence of the little ones is the park, or the square, we have all created our first anecdotes between the walls of the class or between balls and cambs under the trees of an urban park.

This is why, children need play spaces where they can share their time, so that they can develop their recreational activities on an equal footing with all of them.

To do this, it is vital to have safe and accessible urban spaces for children for all, a work and a commitment for which Afamour has been working for more than 20 years, promoting an open and aware management of playgrounds with the needs of the little ones.


  • Playing you discover one's own body, better coordinates movements and develops muscle strength
  • Children learn through play, interacting with nature and its peers
  • Playing in the park increases children's creativity
  • Children in the park learn by having fun, teaching each other new skills
  • Playing outdoors helps children absorb vitamin D naturally
  • Playing in the park promotes social skills among children
  • Outdoors improves children's mood, helping your mental health
  • The freedom children feel when playing in the park makes them grow happier
  • Learning to share by playing helps children be more independent
  • Exploring playing makes children discover new things without the need for an adult.


So that all children enjoy some leisure activities in freedom, it is necessary that public parks are guaranteed spaces for the enjoyment of equitable leisure. Like this, children's spaces must be accessible and safe, so that they provide a space where all the little ones can play safely.

An inclusive look is also important, in which these parks are welcoming, so that all children can enjoy the game and create a place where positive social values such as respect are promoted, friendship and companionship.

From Afamour, we will continue to promote the care of children's spaces, working on providing for children, spaces to play, learn and develop safely and freely.

AFAMOUR meets with the Madrid City Council to address the problem of approval fees in the capital

AFAMOUR has met with José Luis Infanzón, General Director of Public Space, Works and Infrastructures of the City of Madrid, in order to solve the problem in the approval fees in the capital, as well as promoting a renewal in the management processes that fits the needs of the sector.

The Director-General has expressed the active attitude of the consistory to solve this situation.

AFAMOUR has met with José Luis Infanzón, General Director of Public Space, Works and Infrastructures of the City of Madrid. A meeting in which the Association has conveyed the need to solve the problem in the homologation rates in the capital, as well as to promote a renewal in the management processes that fit with the current needs of the sector. From the Consistory they have shown themselves willing to work in favor of solving this circumstance.

It is currently the General Ordinance on Urban Furniture, of 1 March 1985, the one that establishes the general conditions that must comply with the different elements integrated in the urban furniture, both as regards their location and the specific characteristics of those elements.

Art. 11 of this ordinance states that "all urban furniture that is going to be installed on the public road must correspond to models previously approved or singularized by the City of Madrid". On the other hand, in article 22 of the same ordinance, it is established that this approval expires after five years or for as long as the bases of the concession establish, where appropriate.

Given this scenario, AFAMOUR calls for the renewal of management processes, as well as the elimination of the high fees for this type-approval, that reach the 300 eur for each component approved, in accordance with article 5 of the Tax Ordinances and public prices of 9 October 2001.

With the elimination of the fee, a greater number of companies would be interested in working for the Madrid City Council, thus generating a greater plurality of choice in the market.

From AFAMOUR will continue to advance and search, through dialogue with the main institutions, improvements that promote modernization in the sector.

